Thursday 15 October 2015

Some photos of Cochabamba

Captain's log: Stardate 15101.5

Today I took some photos, they are very artistic and thought out and I used a very expensive quality camera, which I had Lieutenant Commander Data upgrade using a sub-processor from the deflector array.

There are a surprising number of costume / fancy dress shops around.

El cielo es muy azul.

Weird building is weird.

This building seems to be being built from the top down.

Amy con su sombrero rojo.

Some sort of foot bridge, a river, and also mountains.

A nice paved walkway in the touristy part of town. We went to a "restaurante turismo" down here, where we ate platáno fritos (fried banana), yuca fritas (fried yuca), arroz con queso (rice with cheese), brocheta verduras (vegetable skewer). It was pretty tastey, and only cost £4.80 between the two of us. I also found the Spanish word "cortado" which means: "timid", "speechless", "clipped", "closed", "curdled" or in the context of coffee "with a dash of milk"

An interesting looking book store, that we will have to return to. Also there seems to be a book festival ongoing ATM.

Some cool graffiti outside a karate club.

The plaza near our hostel is incredibly colorful.

more graffiti.

I got a 1-up!

Captain's log supplemental.

The weather here is HOT. According to some random site I looked up, it's currently 29 degrees C. I may be burnt. I am not impressed. It should be dropping back to a more reasonable 19 degrees tomorrow.